mandag den 1. juni 2020

#art2day #rosemarysbaby #Sharon(*"Mary")esBaby


I would show her the #LittleMermaid and tell her the about the #Statue and the #Mythololigy about it and about the real story of the statues life in a #EkstraBladet or #BT "Style".
I write the text here later.. #NB the #MermaidStatue has been gived in a copy 2 #China by the (#DanishQueen - #Q) #Queen after year #2000 *Mary stand for the #Princess in #Denmark (#P for Princess (Prin-cess - chess))and are from #Australia actually a little #irland , #Australia is very very damaged at the moment (what #Hreenpeace don't write about) of yes actuaæly #dompingtrashfrom the #rakeawayindustry bit not from the #earthbutfrom some #VIP (#Spaceship) that maybe has been taken over the  underground called #KGSS.

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